Company Types
The most common way to start a business in Spain is by registering a limited liability company. This business form is generally selected by small and medium-sized companies and the main reason for its popularity relies in the fact that the shareholders benefit from limited liability against any corporate debts. Investors who want to start a company in Spain can select one of the following company types:
sole proprietorship
(also known as sole trader) – it represents the simplest way to start a business here and it is addressed only to natural persons who want to begin a business activity by themselves
stock corporation
a business form that is addressed to large companies and which can be set up with a minimum share capital of EUR 60,101
limited liability company
besides the above mentioned characteristics, this business form benefits from a small capital requirement: EUR 3,000
joint venture
a type of entity that is created when two different businesses associate with the purpose of accomplishing a specific task
branch office/subsidiary
a way through which foreign companies can set up their operations on the local market
it can be set up by at least two partners and it can be formed as a general or limited partnership.